Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You will be remembered

Currently listening to: Beautiful nightmare - Beyonce

As you know something bad has happened, Micheal Jackson the King of Pop died due to a heart attack, but no matter what his song and his dance moves and everything will be remembered and treasured. Also

i have Swine flu

I've been sick with swine flu like symptoms for the last 4 days, horrible, i feel horrible. I have the worst headache+vomiting+tummy ache+fatigue. Not good

Anyways holidays are coming up in about 2 days YAY i bet everyone will be rejoicing cause this is a 3 week holiday, one of the longest apart from Christmas holidays

nothing much to say, really.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Tears are getting the better of me

Currently listening to: 你听得到-周杰伦

Hey, Jess here (Duh)
So i got my reports back
they were horrible, so bad that i can't even take it. I thought i should have done better and yes i am crying about it. Why is it that even though i work really hard and everything i still do really bad in my reports? Huh? am i weird or something or does the teacher just fucking hate me?

Maths A
English A
Science B
Elective history B
History B
Japanese A

Yes u might be think WTH it's not bad at all, but i got a C, and i got 3 bloody B's, Dad i going to have a rage at me for that stupid C that ruins it. Whats worse is that C was for bloody PDHPE which is like what the hell cause i reckon i did really well in PDHPE but of course the teacher doesn't think so. Ergh

I'm so depressed i want to cut myself again. Why is life so unfair =[


Monday, June 22, 2009

Cause when i'm falling, you won't let me hit the ground

Currently listening to: SNSD - Tell me your wish (genie)

Heya, Jess here
so another boring week is approaching me and I'm not ready for it, the boringness of it all will definitely drown me and i soon will fall asleep =P
I did really well this term with my half yearly tests but i still ain't getting good class test marks, like from science i got 26/34. Like what? shit mark much? Then for maths i get a disappointing 55/65, really bad i know. I hope I'll put more effort both test and class marks.

For my special friend i hope you wake up and realise what she is doing to you before you turn into her, because if you don't she will hurt you. I know it and i can see it coming.

Well people are already starting to talk about the formal. If you haven't realised, it's one year away. I don't get it does everyone have to bring a date, can't we celebrate our formal in the way that it's a time for girls to party hard and have fun, not show off how hot their date is or even of they have a date. I personally is going to go as a single person with on partner and i am going to have fun no matter how many boys will be there and how people talk about me, this is my formal and I'm going to do whatever i want, without a date =]

For Sejung's sake, SNSD released their first single called tell me your wish (genie) the truth is that it is actually really good and i kinda like it. But the truth is that no way is it as good as Gee. Gee is just better than it, but I'm waiting fro the MV to come out, maybe the dance routine won't be such a disappointment.


Friday, June 19, 2009

The chase is on =]

Currently listening to: Ggoom - K.Will

Ello, Jess here
nothing much has happened
rain is still falling and i really really am loving
rain is such a peaceful thing

So Taecyeon's Mnet Scandal has started
the truth is
when i watched the first episode i had two reactions
one, i cried, i was depressed, he cannot date a random girl for 2 weeks, i will not allow it!
two, I wanted to punch the girl, she was so ugly and up herself, when they asked Taecyeon who is your girlfriend and is she here, she straight away stood up, arrogance dear is not good!
Anyways if they don't do one with Jaebeom as well then I'll be okay since they already took Taecyeon and Nickhun which is totally aerhjvasdf but yeah I'm alright i guess.

So since i have my target I'm ready to go after it
this is the first time in my life
that i have the courage to chase after the guy i like
instead of encouraging them to chase after someone else
I'm ready for the heart break and all the pain
i will do this
i have to at least try once to get what i want
i sound so silly
but i am determined to do this =]
so please, if you are my friend
wish me luck =P


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How do i speak these words without hurting you

Currently listening to: Hot issue-4 minutes

Please listen to me
i don't like what you've turned into, your not normally like this. You're really changed from a nice girl into one who doesn't have a brain, who doesn't think before do, who is not what you are which is a sweet friendly nice girl.
I don't like your always changing personalities, your forceful ways towards my friends. I didn't think you could change into such a horrible person. But I'm hurting, hurting to see you like this, hurting to know that you no longer truly understand how much your hurting everyone around you.
Please stop. Come back.
If you're reading this, understand I'm not being mean, i want you to wake up and return to the nice person you really are instead of one who is now i dint know, crazy. Please wake up and come back.

Popular response to my last blog was Mr C and A and E was definitely out of the picture, thanks guys =]


Monday, June 15, 2009

Heart please choose wisely

Currently listening to: Replay-Brand NewJiq (cover)

Ah Yong, it's jessika here
as u know i named this blog as heart please choose wisely, why did i name it this? Well i have been stuck on these three guys (listen I'm pretty ridiculous okay, so stick with me) I'll describe them to you and you can help me choose. okay?

Number 1 A
A is older than me by one year, his really tall and we don't have much convo but when we do,i like them =]. He's Asian, around as smart as me, has a good humor but is too much of a flirt.

Number 2 E
E is also older than me, shorter than A and i really smart, he already has a crush on someone else and we have okay conversations, but i never felt really connected with him cause he has lots of girl friends.

Number 3 C
C is one year older than me ( i like older guys =]) tall and has a really sweet and nice personality, we get on really well and he's hell cute =] but we barely ever see each other.

Who should i choose? Which one sounds good to you?

Anyway I'm really angry with a show called Mnet Scandal, it's where Korean superstars get to go out with a normal girl for one week then decide if they want them as a permanent girlfriend. So they've got TeacYeon on the show, he has a fugly girl to go out with who is really flat and i hate it, cause i like it him, like him a lot cause he is hot, cute, great rapper and singer, also a bonus thing is that he can speak English really well =]

Sejung my friend suggested i should talk about my day
well here it is, i was sick, i did science notes, i day dreamed and i perved on Park Jeabeom's sexy six pack and his hot voice and everything =]


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Old song bring new memories

Currently listening to: Stuttering - Mario

Hello, Jess writing in her blog that no one reads but herself and some close friends
sometimes i wonder why even started this
it's really a useless blog, no one ever reads it

So I've started to watch the well known Korean drama boys over flowers, and seriously it's so good. My new boy crush is Gu Jun Pyo (Lee Min Ho), he is like hot, cute, manly and definitely my type, lol, every time i get a new boy crush my mum is like, "aren't you ashamed of yourself for acting so silly? Another guy gosh your so stupid" lol i love my mum =].

lee min ho Pictures, Images and Photos Isn't he hot?

Boy over flowers great drama, if you have time, WATCH IT =]

So i was wondering, if the one you loved is going to ask someone else out and you still really like them but you don't want to ruin everything, do you stay silent and watch them leave? Or do you speak up, tell them and hope they might have the littlest feelings towards you? I choose Neither what do i mean by that i mean i leave them, i hide, i run away never talk to them, until ages later when i realise this isn't the way to go.

I run away.

All my friends would think that I'm this strong person who stands up when it comes to love, and well is really brave when it comes to love. Let me tell you this, I'm not strong, I'm weak, so weak to the point that i can cry over one stupid useless boy. I tired to be strong to over come it but i can't i really can't. So to let you know, I'm scared of it, of love, i hate being tr aped by, played by it, it's painful.

Also Kim Bum is one to keep an eye on too =P
kim bum Pictures, Images and Photos cute huh?
that's all for now =]


Saturday, June 6, 2009

i really am dying

Currently listening to: Bad Case - Jackie boyz

hello, Jessie here =]
blogging for the second time today
so yeah you guessed it
I'm really bored =]

so congrats to Lina
she finally caught Sebastian
now i need to catch my boy
well who is my boy??
i don't really have one
sad i know
but every guy i like never likes me back
i think i already said that
but i shall repeat it =]
cause i weird like that =]

okay so i lied
i know who i like
but this person will be really obvious to my friends
so i shall call him 'Tommy'
Tommy is cool
and funny
and i really like him
and has liked him for a while now
but too sacred to tell him
because i can tell he doesn't see me in that way
and i don't want to ruin what we have
so yeah
i just like to watch him and like him secretly
sounds creepy but I'm not stalking him or anything =]
to end this
ill say
i am really a weird and sad little child


Friday, June 5, 2009

Did you know...

Currently listening to: Talk to you - Shinee

Heya, Jessy here
well shinee made their comeback live
yes I'm very excited
i watched it and
it was HOT!!!!!
OMG they all are soo hot
except for Jong Hyun who i never liked
and also key, who decided to dye his hair yellow
sorry babe
it don't work !
anyways Taemin oppa is as hot as ever
and MINHO!!!
argh i could eat him
they all did a good job
and they also won 1st straight away
pushing Super Junior off for their 5th win
(yes i was kinda depressed that Super Junior got knocked off but meh)
if you love me
you'll watch this

Okay new boy issues has come up
so listen out
C is his name and he gawgus
i love him
he's a huge cutie and well i think he might like me
but i think every guy i liked liked me back
but they never did
but also
he has a girlfriend
and well she seems like a nice girlfriend
so they're better off together than me interrupting them =]
I'm a funny weird child


Studying really pays off =]

Currently obsession over: Jaebeom's body =P

Sup laa, Jess here
so i got most of my test back
and well
they were pretty good results
they were great results
everything i got back were in the 80% mark
so yeah why was i stressing int he first place??

every though my Friends think I'm good with boys
i realise i relay ain't good
well actually i really shy
if u know me you wouldn't believe this
when i like someone
i find it hard to even look at them
so talking to them is like 'woah'

so I've realised something turn out very different to what you want
it's like watching Romeo and Juliet but they live happily ever after instead of both of them dying =[
why am i saying this? Well i believe
people i use to think hated me
like me
well they accept me and no longer bag me out
or tease me about stuff
so yeah
i am surprised
thought i should share this with you =]

Lina is my friend
she has many boy problems
i want to thank her for making me realise
how stupid boys are
and in reality i really don't need them
I'm really weird =]
but i love me the way i am


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

funny how some things turn out =]

currently listening to: Love me - Yiruma

hey, Jess here
so anyways this week has been pretty hectic
i think i have swine flu cause i can;t stop sneezing
so yeah hopefully i don't have it cause i hate being sick =P

i got 2 tests back
for science i came 2nd in my class and got 76/90, i thought it was a crap mark but apparently it was a great mark.
Japanese i received 87.9 out of 100 which surprised me i must say cause i was hoping for a pass meaning over 50 would've been fantastic.
so i guess so far my marks are pretty cool and good =]

well love life
hmm nothing much
apart from me watching Nickhun (famous Korean singer)
going out with some random girl for one whole week
and yes they've gotten very close
and yes she use to go out with Kim Bum (another hot Korean actor)
and yes she is ugly
and yes I'm jealous!
so that;s why i wish i lived in Korea
cause not only could this happen to me
i can also go to all their fan meetings and get autographs and hugs for free
even though i can't even speak Korean =]
I'm weird
